The Art Of Manifesting Anything

We have read and discussed Neville Goddard for many years now. Yet we continue to learn from his many teachings. The one key point we know is that you can manifest anything.

In the study of Neville Goddard’s teachings on manifestation, it becomes clear that the path is full of potential obstacles that must be navigated carefully to achieve the desired result. This journey, while promising the realization of one’s deepest desires, demands more than mere wishful thinking—it calls for a profound internal shift, a transformation that aligns one’s inner world with the external manifestation of their dreams.

As we delve into the common errors that hinder the manifestation process, it is crucial to reflect upon Neville’s teachings, which serve as beacons guiding us back to the true essence of creation. One of the first missteps many encounter is the search for a quick fix, a shortcut to manifesting their desires without fully committing to the process. This approach, fueled by a culture of instant gratification, undermines the foundational principle of manifestation—that it is a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Neville Goddard’s wisdom offers a counterpoint to this mindset, emphasizing the importance of patience and persistence. In his words: “The world is yourself pushed out. Ask yourself what you want and then give it to yourself! Do not question how it will come about; just go your way knowing that the evidence of what you have done must appear, and it will.”