RJ Spina Accessing Super Consciousness

“My body was destroyed, but I was free. It was as if my old operating system of awareness had been replaced with a greatly enhanced model with far greater receptivity, bandwidth, and processing ability. I knew immediately and precisely how I would heal myself. I was in a state of Grace and cosmic consciousness. I was truly free. “

Within two months RJ was walking with the help of a physical therapist. On the one hundredth day after surgery, just as he had originally predicted on the very first day after emergency life-saving surgery, he was walking on his own. All the conditions he’d been diagnosed with—diabetes, pancreatitis, Hashimoto’s disease, hypothyroidism, and a syndrome called autonomic dysreflexia—had been resolved.

RJ has helped countless people. He has written dozens of articles about consciousness, the Greater Reality, meditation, the ability to project one’s consciousness, and the nature of the Self. He teaches meditation, self-realization, self-healing, and how to become a healer to seekers around the world.

You can get RJ’s new book here https://www.amazon.com/Access-Super-Consciousness-Frequency-Obstacles-ebook/dp/B0CK657KR7/

You can get RJ’s audiobook here https://www.audible.com/pd/Access-Super-Consciousness-Audiobook/B0D54P6VT3