float tanks, soundtrack technique, mind movie, fractal meditation, virtual reality, hypnosis, nlp, acoustic field generators
Episode Summary
On my journey to discover the keys to hacking reality I tried several techniques After discussing the physic behind parallel universes I go over 40 techniques I have learned that you can use to travel through parallel realities. In part 1 of this series I go over the first 20.techniques. I talk about hypnosis, NLP, submodaliities, swish patterns, reverse visualizations, the Ganzfeld effect, Float Tanks, motion systems, potentializers, the soundtrack technique, the intention technique, vision boards, mind movies, and fractal meditations.
Show Notes
my journey to discover the keys to hacking reality I tried several
techniques After discussing the physic behind parallel universes I go
over 40 techniques I have learned that you can use to travel through
parallel realities. In part 1 of this series I go over the first
20.techniques. I talk about hypnosis, NLP, submodaliities, swish
patterns, reverse visualizations, the Ganzfeld effect, Float Tanks,
motion systems, potentializers, the soundtrack technique, the intention
technique, vision boards, mind movies, and fractal meditations.
Welcome to the reality your revolution podcast. I’m your host Brian Scott. This podcast is dedicated to the spirits who believe life is meant to be magical and fun. It contains advanced viewpoints for the multidimensional human beings of the 21st century. Here we ventured a share the mysteries of self and reality. My primary purpose is to reawaken your sense of fascination and odd towards life, to shatter your rigid belief systems and ways of seeing the world. My goal is to help you hack reality, to unleash your potential and open unlimited possibilities of wealth, health, and relationships in your life. Today’s episode, we’re going to go over, I’m so excited, 40 ways to travel to parallel realities. I’ve put together 40 techniques that I use that you can use to travel a parallel realities and before we talk about the techniques and the ways to maneuver through parallel realities for the people that have not listened to other podcasts where I have discussed a parallel reality, let’s go for a brief synthesis of this.
You know, still while it is hypothetical, there is a possibility there are an infinite number of universes in realities out there and I know what the universe technically means, everything, but there’s at least one prevailing, a theory with some compelling evidence that realities are exist in multiples in parallels. At the same time, there are an infinite number of possibilities to physical laws. A university may have any number of gravitational strengths. Energy may behave differently. Matter might be nonexistent. The fact that we are in this goldilocks universe, not too hot, not too cold suggests there may be an infinite number out there. In fact, if the strength of gravity was changed just a minute amount, I’m talking trillions of fraction, our universe would be very different than it is now without stars or crushed back into a single hilarity before it could inflate for more than a few years. This is called the many worlds interpretation originally formulated by Hugh Everett and Mwi.
There’s a theory that every action has the possibility of one outcome or another. We’ll actually produce to each diverging into a new, an alternate universe. That sounds absurd and bizarre, but let me ask you what if it were true? What if it were true and we’re actually interacting with these universes that our mind is aware of them. Take this Schrodinger’s cat mind experiment. The cat is placed in a box that is soundproof and completely enclosing, preventing any indication of what is happening inside the box from reaching outside observer. Inside the box is a device that will release a deadly that can kill the cat. The release of this poison is dependent upon a very small amount of a radioactive substance in which the chance of one item decaying in one hour is 50 50 if the Adam decays, the poison is released in the cat is killed.
So shorting your positive there. While the cat was in the box, it was neither alive or dead, but in a state somewhere in between. It wasn’t until the box was opened and the fate of the cat observed, the actual state coalesced into one are either dead or alive. In other words, the observation actually dictated and outcome. We are constantly dictating outcomes with our attention and observation and the more and more we understand physics, the more and more we understand the power of our attention and observation. The many worlds theory says that upon observation that the cat, the many worlds interpretation says that upon observation the cat is both alive and dead but in a divergent universe. So there’s two cats. If we observe the cat as alive and parallel universe is created at the moment in which our doppelganger is our observing a dead cat.
These are all mind experiments admittedly, but seriously considered in some circles. If this is the case, we are traveling into parallel universes all the time. We just don’t know it. Since it appears to be continuous from previous moments we have experienced all possibilities are therefore realized in some universes dinosaur killing asteroids, Mr in others Australia was colonized by the Portuguese critics. Question the reality of these universes since they do not influence our universe at all on this score, many interacting world’s approach is completely different than its name applies under this interpretation. Some worlds in parallel universes, we’d be nearly identical. In other words and other like the butterfly effect is responsible for completely different outcomes. Each universe is equally real. It isn’t that one universe is the truth, while others are bizarre copies or lesser in any way. One physicists believes that the quantum force is responsible for driving the shared existence or also responsible for causing quantum interactions between worlds.
Similar in between worlds interact through quantum forces, which influences the outcome of the world by making them slightly to similar. The theory states the world interact with one another on the quantum level and not on a larger scale. One physicist believes that the theory does not preclude that possibility either. The beauty of our approach is that there is just one world, one world. Our theory reduces to Newtonian mechanics. While if there is a gigantic number of worlds, it PR reproduces quantum mechanics in between. It’s predicts something new that is neither new Newton’s theory or nor quantum theory. We also believe they didn’t providing a new mental picture of quantum effects. It will also be useful in planning experiments to test an exploit quantum phenomenon. So beyond that, you should understand the, the science breaks down the idea of parallel universes. Most of the, you can find about five different kinds.
There’s infinite universes. We don’t know what the shape of time, space, time and is exactly one prominent theories that it is flat and goes on forever. This would present the possibility of many universes being out there, but with that topic in mind, it’s possible the universe can start repeating themselves. That’s because particles can be put together in so many ways. More about that. We’ll talk about that later on in the podcast, but then there’s bubble universes. Another theory of multiple universities comes from eternal inflation based on some research when looking at space time as a whole, some areas of space stop inflating like the Big Bang inflated our own universe. Others, however, we’ll keep getting larger. So if you picture our own universe as a bubble, it is sitting in a network of bubble universes of space. What’s interesting about this theory is that other universes could have very different laws when they exist inside of these bubbles.
So then there’s the daughter universes. Perhaps multiple ears can follow the theory of quantum mechanics as part of a daughter. Universe theory. If you follow the laws of probability suggests for every outcome would come from one of your, there would be a range of universes, each of which saw one outcome to be another and then there is mathematical universes and other possible avenues exploring mathematical universes which simply put explain the structure of mathematics may change depending in which university Rezai and mathematical structure is something that you can describe in a way that’s completely independent of human baggage. And then the fifth is parallel universes and the eye going back to the idea of spacetime is flat, the number of possible particle configurations and multiple universes would be 10 to the 10th the 122nd distinct possibilities to be exact. So with an infinite number of cosmic patches, the particle arrangements within them must repeat infinitely many times over.
This means there are infinitely many parallel universes, cosmic patches, exactly the same as ours containing someone exactly like you as well as patches that differ by just one particles position patches the differ by two particles position. And so on down to patches that are totally different from ours. It’s something like an infinite number. So what I’m saying with when you understand what the double slit experiment, the idea is that energy, when it’s collapsed from wave to particle, this is occurring when the observer sees the wave and it collapses to particle. You bring your own attention and experience into that observation and you are literally creating your reality all the time. But imagine there’s all these different realities and in whatever life track you’re on our minds when we sleep and through our hearts and our emotions are aware of these other realities that are out there that we receive wave fronts and tacky on information coming from the future and from various sources when things happen.
And that’s why we have intuitions, but also why our attention can create a reality by simply focusing on something, you end up bringing it into your existence. So the more and more you focus on the weight, what you focus on and what your attention is, that is the reality that you create. I’m just telling you a very simple thing. Whatever you’ve been focusing your attention on. If it’s that sickness that you have, if it whatever it is, that’s how you’re creating your reality. So using this, we need to find a way because our attention is controlled many times by our subconscious mind, by programming, by things that we’ve had happen in our past and our future by the way we think and the way we feel and I’m giving you sporty techniques that I have used. We’ve, we’ve discussed these in other podcasts, but these techniques in particular will help you travel through parallel universes.
When I had my personal experience where I became convinced that I had traveled into a parallel universes where there was all these unusual and different things that had happened, I went on a spiritual quest to prove and validate that there are parallel universes and I went to everything that I could do. I went to seminars and gurus and did different sorts of meditations and tried mind technology and flotation tanks and we’re going to talk about all of those things. I believe that through my journey in trying to experiment with all of these interesting technologies and ideas and techniques, I found different ways that’ll help you maneuver through parallel realities, but not only just moved to different parallel realities in a way that is powerful and creative in a way that gives you the ability to literally choose and create your own reality so that we’ll start with some simple ones.
The first thing that you can do to travel to a parallel reality is to move. Now, this is something I’ve always hated, but it always turns out to be a good thing. I have a fear of moving like the people have a fear of snakes and when I have to, when I have to move on, get in, go into the sweats, and it’s the worst thing for me. But you know what? Sometimes when you move, you come to an entirely different area. You meet entirely different people. You have entirely different experiences and associations. Every time I’ve moved, I’ve literally moved into a parallel reality and I think by moving, it’s one way to move your entire life into a parallel reality. I’m not saying move all the time, but that’s one technique that you can use. The second is learning a new language. The way that you think, the thoughts that you think in your head often are in images and in the language that you speak.
When you find yourself talking to yourself, you’re talking into your language. And what we don’t realize is that there is something that happens with syntax and linguistics that can create your reality. The way we talk can create your reality. And the movie arrival kind of talks about this, how the language these aliens talked taught the people that were watching them, how to, how to go back in time and in the future. Uh, the way that we use language does affect and color the way that we perceive and maneuver through different parallel realities. So try to learn a new language. It’s a simple technique. Another one that I have tried is to change your name. Maybe you want to go by your middle name. Maybe you want to change your name. The process of changing your name can change. Your identity can give you that little tiny bit to you know who you are, what you’re really real name is, but by changing your identity can change your attention, can change the beliefs that you have and you end up moving through parallel realities you might not have moved through before I’m telling you to try it.
The fourth technique is hypnosis. Now, hypnosis I believe is different than meditation. I’ve used hypnosis in my meditations, but hypnosis is a specific type and format of language that can, that can be used to induce patterns of brainwave states and receptivity in patients and in people that are open to it doesn’t affect everybody. Some people are unhip not hypnotizable and I think that they are hypnotizable. I do believe that we are hypnotized all the time. When we watch TV shows and we listened to music, the power of hypnosis is has gone to a point where it’s used all the time and in media and advertising, but if you can find a way to get a good hypnotist, you can. You can utilize programs that can, that can do little things behind the scenes that can affect your subconscious mind, that can guide your attention and move your attention towards things that you want to move towards and away from things that you don’t imagine.
If the secret to overcoming that health problem that you have or overcoming any sort of issue that you’re having right now is simply ignoring it, is putting your attention on something else. How do you do that? Your monkey mind a lot of times won’t let you, but you can program yourself and hypnosis through repetition, which brings me to number five, which I’ve created a separate cash separate cadre, which is neuro linguistic programming. Now I did my master’s thesis on your linguistic programming. I can talk about it a lot. Some of these we’re going to go over more than others and I don’t want to go into it too, but you, you should know about neuro linguistic programming. It is one of the most interesting, fascinating fields of research and it’s interesting. The story behind new neuro linguistic programming going all the way back was created by Richard Richard Bandler and John Grinder.
And they wrote books called the structure of magic. And going back, they analyzed and looked at a famous hypnotist therapist named Milton Erickson, who you’ve probably heard of Ericksonian hypnosis. Essentially he was paralyzed and so he was, people would go into, um, get treatment from him and they would come out completely transformed, changed permanent changes in their lives. Addictions healed, huge, magnificent changes and they wanted to know what was going on because this guy couldn’t use his hands. He was paralyzed. So he had figured out a way of pacing and language use that was so powerful that they sat down and started recording his sessions and broke down the syntax and the wording that he used to pull people into hypnotic situations. He was able to hypnotize people without telling them that they were being hypnotized like you are right now as you listen to this podcast.
And so what happens is then when sometimes when people don’t know that they’d been hypnotized, it’s more powerful and receptive. A lot of salesmen started using this technique. A neural linguistic programming is something that was when I first heard about it. I’ve heard about it from Tony Robbins. And then when I looked up Tony Robbins, he had been trained by Richard Bandler, John Grinder. And I started looking and researching this and Collagen for my graduate thesis. I said, well, I need to know more about Richard Bandler and John Grinder. And so interestingly enough, back in the 80s, we’re not going to get too distracted here, but Richard Bandler is accused of murdering, uh, this prostitute. And there’s this, this trial that happens in Santa Cruz, and it’s fascinating. And I’m reading the court transcripts, Richard Bandler’s, one of the most fascinating men, if there’s all kinds of different stories with him, he’s incredibly persuasive. He’s written into fantastic material in books.
And he, he’s the creator of neuro linguistic programming. Now, I don’t know if he did it when you read the transcripts, but when you look at the murder scene, the woman scrawls in blood, Richard did it, which is fascinating. And so clearly he’s going to go to the trial and they’re gonna say, well, she wrote, Richard did it in blood and Richard Bandler testified at the trial and was found innocent and he used these techniques and the people in the jury came out crying saying they thought he was guilty, but they had no choice. The power of this can be used in so many things I’ve talked about. I’ve movements. The eye movement idea comes from neurolinguistic programming. I’ve talked about the filtering of our neurological processes by understanding your senses. Some people are visual, some people are kinesthetic by their bodies, some people are auditory, they listen more first.
Some people have dominant different ways of understanding information. You maybe a visual person talking to an auditory person. And so this makes, it changes the way that you can maneuver through realities and understanding the way that you’ve been. Neuro linguistic programming and understanding the programming of your body can be very, very powerful. So neuro linguistic programming is, is, is one of the most powerful things you can. It can either be used for lie detection, it can be used for all kinds of different things. And there’s many books that I recommend you should go out and read the books that we won’t have enough time to go through all the techniques. But number six, the technique of submodalities I will go into detail about cause submodalities. If you get an understanding of the concept of submodalities in neurolinguistic programming, then since it was in the late seventies, they were presented primarily as a way of enhancing experiences.
Although Association dissociation was the key element in many of the more effective standard NLP patterns that have been taught for the years. It’s not clear to described as a submodality shift. It was in 1983 that Bandler, um, began to reveal the structure of submodalities and we’ll talk about the swish pattern in a second and short, he outlined how submodalities comprise one way of understanding the underlying structure of all experience. Bandler and grinder constructed the representational systems of the Vak modalities with their qualities. This provided a language for describing in modeling human experiences. So the, to make a long story short, understanding what sub mode submodalities is, we’ll give you a richer and more powerful way to create different realities and maneuver through different realities. Now let me explain. We have five basic senses. We have visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory. These are referred to as representational systems.
We would describe a picture as being black and white or color. It would also be bright or dim. Sounds could be loud or soft coming from particular direction. Feelings could be in different parts of the body and have different temperatures. Smells can be pleasant or offensive, strong or light. Tastes can be sweet or bitter, strong or mild. These finer distinctions are called submodalities and they define the qualities of our internal representations. So it’s not as simplistic as saying he’s a visual person. I see what he is saying. It is a more subtle way of understanding these associations, building them into your hypnosis patterns and understanding your own submodalities. You can use them. Generally the three that are used and talked about the most are visual, auditory and or feeling. However, there you can work with, uh, smelling or, or taste in some different things and they can affect, you know, what you can do for most people. Research within NLP, states of the brain often uses these structural Earl elements as a way to know how it feels about them. So we’ve talked about in other podcasts how you want to have to model a specific feeling in order to manifest it in your life. Well, sometimes that’s hard. How do you model the feeling of being a billionaire? While there may be submodalities involved in that and we need to be, create richer experiences and ways of understanding our feelings so we can model them. And that helps us to manifest what we want.
The link is state. The Lincoln stated to be bilateral, that his emotions attached to a mental experience are effected by certain modalities. Submodalities with which it is associated and specific submodalities can also be effected if the emotional significance changes. The discovery. That emotion, for instance, associated with a thought is often functionally linked to the submodalities with which that thought is presented to be consciousness led to a variety of brief NLP interventions based on the change of these key submodalities. So what what is happening is, and many trainers started to find out that they could change, they could change subtle changes, musculature and body and the way that the people’s body movements and it gave us a better, it helps people quit smoking and eat better foods and a certain kind of foods, overcoming phobias, enhancing motivation, induced relaxation. And so there are the different kinds of submodalities are like v under visual for instance, size, distance, brightness, color, monochrome, framed.
When we have these visions in our eyes, when we visualize them, is it three dimensional? Is it clear or fuzzy shape the movement, is it moving? Is it still, is it a poster, a drawing? Is it real life? And you’re auditory, you have mono or stereo. You have different qualities like volume, pitch, tempo and rhythm. Variations like looping, fading in, moving out. These are all things you can build into your meditations. And so it’s a voice whose voice, what kind of a voice quality is it? And for kinesthetic, you can have symmatic sensations, locations, movements, tactical feelings, pressures, textures, temperatures. These are all different kinds of things that you can use with submodalities. And it’s very powerful when you start to understand someone delis. So the next idea is the swish pattern. Number five, the fifth technique, the Swish pattern. The Swish pattern is a useful technique to maneuver into parallel realities because it helps people, it helps you address unwanted behavior response to specific stimuli.
Often we’re responding to stimuli which pulls us into certain timelines. The stimuli can come from pendulums and people and places and things. And so we can change the stimuli by changing key sub modalities through something called a swish pattern, compulsive or obsessive behaviors such as uncontrollable desire to bite your nails, smoke, eat. Certain foods or habits are linked with a trigger or cue image. So first of all, you had identify a specific behavior that you wish to change and you cue the image that starts that process. And then you identify a new self image, uh, with the desired behavior that that satisfies the positive intent of the undesired behavior. So you generate a picture of this new self image, then you check, check the ecology, the feeling of the new self image, all of the submodalities of the s, the new self image associated with the new behavior.
And then you assess the impact of the new behavior on yourself. You take it in the way the impact is with family and friends and you identify submodalities associated with the present behavior and then the past behavior and you create a new picture of the future and then you have the future in the past and you switch them together. When you do this with the swishing together, uh, in your mind, in by swishing and all the different patterns and you can blend an unwanted behavior with the normal behavior. And if done on a regular basis through the neuroplasticity of your brain, you can change the neuro stimuli that you have occurred that can pull you into different realities. So I’ve tried to use this swish technique and some of my meditations, and there are several more out there. Number seven is phobia cleanses the brain learns things fast.
And one thing, what’s your Brandler often use is the analogy that if you were to watch a movie, one frame a day for five years, you’d never get the plot. The brain is this way. It requires rapid sequencing of frames to get the idea of the phobia, one phobia cure that. We can go on and finding a way to address your phobias is a technique to allow you to move through parallel realities, better realities. And that seems like an unusual thing, but I guarantee there may be phobias in your life phobia of driving to a certain place or doing a certain thing or traveling or whatever is that it’s preventing you from manifesting incredible realities because you can’t get on that plane or you don’t want to go to that city or you don’t want to do that thing or stay up past that time.
So there’s phobias that you have. And so there’s, there’s different now the same technique is, um, I, I use in one of my meditations that you can use for the phobia cure is first you imagine a big theater. You’re sitting in the seat and near the middle and on the screen, a black and white photo in which you can see yourself in a situation set just before you have a phobia response. And you imagine you’re floating out of your body in the movie theater and up into the projection booth. And from here in the projection booth, you can see the screen and you can see yourself sitting down there in the seat in the middle of the theater. And you notice what color your shirt or blouse you’re wearing down in the seat. Now you turn that still snapshot of the Screen Info, a black and white movie, and you watch it from the beginning to just be on the end of the unpleasant experience just beyond.
And when you get to the end, then you stop. Then you stop it as a slide and jump inside and run the movie backwards. And it’s kind of a visual trick. You have to learn how to do this in your mind. But if you take something where you get the phobia and then you have the bad response and then you run the movie backwards, you see everything happening in reverse. Like a funny like just so we hit reverse on your DVD player, you run the movie in reverse in color and take one or two seconds to do it and now you think about what it is you have the phobia and a lot of times people don’t have the phobia. So you keep on trying this. If it doesn’t work, it creates, it’s very successful and it works very powerfully. You can use these understandings and so we’ve gotten to, so that was number seven, which is phobia cleansing.
You should address the phobias that you have. If you have a phobia, should it be a real phobia? I mean I have a phobia of heights when I walk around the Grand Canyon, I’m worried I’m going to fall off and that’s a phobia. Where’s that phobia coming from? Cause I could have probably gone for a longer and better walk and seen some better thing last time we went. But if it weren’t for my phobia and that’s something I had to work on, where was that coming from? And maybe who knows? But there’s ways that you can reduce and become aware of that. So the next thing is inducing the Ganzfeld effect number eight. So in research by Robert Ornstein discovered that blank out was merely the experience of seeing nothing but not one of not seeing a complete disappearance of the sense of vision. So during blank out, the observers did not know, for instance, whether their eyes were open or not.
So what happens is there’s a technique you can induce something called the Ganzfeld effect. And so they call it blanking out. Humans had been aware of this effect for thousands of years. One ancient meditation can contain technique, consists of simply staring at a blue cloudless sky until there is no sky. Or you may have been told to look at a candle until it doesn’t exist. A common yoga meditation is the truck, the truck [inaudible] or the steady gaze. And which concentration is fixed on some unchanging external elements such as a rocker mandalah. I have done this. I have meditated on Sri Yantra and it’s very powerful. The repetition of a single word or phrase in some to reach a state of blank out through monotonous stimulation has been practiced by many spiritual traditions all the way to transcendental meditation. Those traditions described the blank out state as an experience of the void of emptiness, nothingness, or a cloud of unknowing.
If anybody has gotten a chance to try the the void meditation, give it a try. There’s many void meditations out there that are fantastic. We’re going to talk a little bit more about that in a second. The blind cat effect seems to be key to many of the well documented benefits of meditation ranging from stress reduction to increased sensory acuity and mental clarity to increased immune function. However, as practitioners of meditative techniques, a test, it’s not easy to achieve this effective reliably. Just sitting there looking at things, so there’s now ways that we can induce scans felt effect. Modern researchers have tried to find ways of inducing and investigating this blanket effect in the laboratory using techniques ranging from dense uniform fog to translation goggles. One simple but effective technique that I used and I read about all the way back, uh, in college was to cut ping pong balls in half, put the balls over the eyes of the, of, of your, of yourself and direct a beam of light at the the ping pong balls while you open your eyes and you stare at the light, the white field before this technique will provide and unvarying visual input and eventually can move you into that Ganzfeld effect.
The Ganzfeld effect, I believe, puts us into the alternate space, into the void, into the source that gives us the, the open field of all possibilities that we’ve talked about and other parts of this podcast. The experience is quite interesting looking into against filled with eyes open in a relaxed, soft died gaze. You see only a, an uniform evenly illuminated and colored, but completely featureless visual space. And there’s very unusual situation in which we normally never experienced, just as we normally never experienced. A total blackness in lack of sensory stimulation of a float tank. Since the reticular activating system is designed to detect change, supplying and unchanging visual input create some powerful and unique effects. First, the color drains out of the visual field. The field becomes gray and progressionally seems to disappear from your peripheral vision. A misty space seems to open up and soon it becomes hard to tell if your eyes are open or not, and at this point, electro cephalic graphs.
Studies have shown strong Alpha, which is normally not produced when eyes are open. The monotony of the featureless visual field of causes the reticular activating system to decrease your arousal and you become loled old deeper and deeper into a lower and lower stages of arousal. Becoming deeply relaxed and producing lots of theta waves. Awareness of the visual field disappears completely. You experienced blank out subjects using gans. Phil’s usually report profound relaxation reverie imagery in altered states of consciousness. This is an ideal time per total mental stillness for self-suggestion or recorded suggestions for behavior change for accelerated learning. When you’re in this Ganzfeld state, if you start to give yourself suggestions for yourself or listen to a guided meditation at that point, it can be much more powerful. When people emerge from the Ganzfeld, it seems as if the volume knob on their senses is turned way up and it has been for me when I’ve done this, colors are vivid and saturated sounds are full and rich and intense and your skin is sensitive.
Intriguingly, numerous controlled statistical studies by Paris. Psychologists indicate the use of Ganzfeld significantly increases psychic abilities of subjects in such areas as telepathy, psychokinesis and remote viewing. Julian Isaacs of John F. Kennedy University in California coupled with a pair of headphones supplying pink noise, a gentle shushing sound. The Ganzfeld shuts down the busy sensory processing system, which normally drowns out the whisper soft ESP signals allowing much better reception of extra sensory perception according to Michael Hutchinson in his book, Mega brain power. Now the ninth technique to maneuver through a parallel reality is a float tank. And if you haven’t tried when I’m telling you what you should try one now I’ve tried to recommend them to friends and someone say, oh, I would never go into that enclosed space. It’d be too uncomfortable for me. And that may be true. There are some systems being created now by bulletproof in particular, where you can go in and it’s, it’s not in a water tank and they can induce a similar situation, but the idea that you, you lay in the Epsom salt and your just floating, there is nothing that you can see and there’s nothing that you can do.
It takes a few times. You have to get comfortable with how you move your shoulders and the way that you get comfortable to the water that you’re laying in. And it’s usually about 90 minutes. And if you can click in about 10 to 15 minutes, your mind can go to incredible places. Now, as I’ve discussed before, I believe that there’s wave fronts coming in that are, we are collapsing, but they come in waves every 90 minutes. Uh, when you start to do longterm flotation tank, you notice there’s waves, particular waves that come in and you have an ability to access these waves, these particular waves, and they allow you to collapse the wave front, meaning that you can substantially change your parallel reality. I’m talking about become like you’re in a different universe. I’m saying from the beginning, I’ve experienced going into a different universe where the restaurants different, where the people were different, where everything seemed different and I’m telling you that you can do that.
A lot of times when you move into a reality, what will happen is your mind will be too scared with the differences and you’ll jump right back. It may take a near death experience or something like that to change, but if you open your mind to the possibilities of parallel realities and if you accept these changes as okay and acceptable, then you’ll start to be able to maneuver through these realities. That’s how it worked for me with flotation tanks and devices such as Ganzfeld in the flotation Taishan tank, direct attention inward and it PR it, presenting the reticular activating system within an varying stimulus. That’s the part of our brain that’s looking out. When you’re looking for a black Toyota and you see a million block Toyotas, that’s the part of the brain that binds things that you ask it to look for and it starts to look for the things that are on the inside.
The next technique is number 10 light stimulation, light stimulation one w w. W. What has been found through different techniques is by using light, you can induce major changes in body and hormones and the way that the mind works, and this can allow you to maneuver through different realities when we’re maneuvering through different realities is not just our visual eyes. We’re changing our entire bodies and we need to change that. Shealy measured levels of key neuro chemicals and hormones in subjects before and then 10 minutes after a single 20 minute exposure to violet green or red lights at a frequency of 7.8 hertz. He found the exposure produced significant increases of 25% or more of such key hormones as growth hormone which promotes growth in increases fat metabolism, leuteinizing hormone which stimulates male and female sexual hormones and increases sexual arousal and oxytocin which promotes affection, love and bonding behavior as well as significant increases of Serotonin Beta endorphin and other biochemicals.
Shealy, who is the researcher for light simulation that I was just mentioning that’s just disgusting. Michael Hutchinson Book Mega Brain Power or book. I recommend tested one individual at a frequency of 31.2 hertz and found that the increase in growth hormone, luteinizing hormone, and oxytocin were significantly more substantial than they had been in the same individual at 7.8 cycles. He concluded among other things that his findings unequivocally, this is just the color of light, significantly affects the neurochemical axis and so I believe they’re going to start figuring out ways to utilize these colors and they may do it through virtual reality, which we’re going to talk about in a second. One woman said that she suffered from a lifelong learning disability. Her brains seem to rattle along at such a rapid clip. She found it to slow down her sessions and she tried a something called the Luma Tron, which is a, which is something that I’ve tried we’ll talk about in a second.
And you stare at a violet light at a frequency of about eight hertz and you, um, and she became more and more calm and focused and most important to her. She became able to read and she was soon devouring books. It’s like a whole new world. She said, I keep thinking this world of books and reading is one I’ve been missing my whole life. The woman had clearly been suffering from some kind of chronic over rounds, over automatic nervous system and many subjects suffering from under arousal experiences, depression or chronic fatigue. Learning disabilities have experienced increases in energy in Iq and elevations in mood and receiving light stimulation in such colors as yellow, yellow, orange, orange, red, red, orange, red and ruby frequencies and makes you wonder about the power of art. But this is particular frequencies of color among the Lumad. Tron was developed by light color therapy device invented by John Dowling.
The literature on John Dowling, Phd DiLumen tron uses xenon gas as a full spectrum light source. The light is passed through one of 11 colored filters that can be measured. It can be changed easily during viewing, producing 11 different colors ranging from violet, indigo and blue on one end of the spectrum to red, orange, red, and Ruby on the other. The colored right light is delivered to the user’s eyes through of circular lens about the size of a half dollar and according to downing, the proper color stimulus will precisely reset the biological clock and in train more balanced hypothalmus Malik discharge rates. This in turn helps balance the neuroendocrine system. It also increases the efficiency of optic nerve and associated nerve pathways allowing the brain to naturally assimilate more vital light energy from the environment. The brain reacts to this additional photo, electrical energy by forming new synaptic connections and increasing its efficacy.
Another device. The colors receptivity trainer, which I found on Amazon, seems to have effects that are equivalent to the Luma Tron, and I believe that the technology is becoming more and more available. A lot of this is based on earlier studies and right now if you look up mine technology, you’ll find so many incredible devices. I’m going over some of the ones that I’ve tried. Then. Um, number 11 is the acoustic field generator, the acoustic field generator increasingly popular as the ultimate mind machines are systems that combine a variety of stimuli to provide a whole body multisensory experience generally including lights, sound, and physical vibration. These devices are known as whole body acoustic field generators or sound tables or music beds or vibration tactile stimulators, as the name suggests, the key stimulus is sound, sound that is not just heard to the ears, but felt as vibrations through the whole body.
The devices range from relatively simple massage tables with powerful speakers or transducers built into them to stay to vast state of the art computerized. Don’t like structures that use complex and sophisticated sound processing systems to resonate the body with optimal psychophysical impact and incorporating music modulated light goggles or color field video display systems that flash in sync with the music so that you can see the music as well as here in fuel. It’s creating a state of sensory resonance. Some of the sound tables incorporate optional extra transducers which can be placed under the soles of the feet laid across the abdomen or placed under the neck, touching the shoulders, vibrating more and more of the body’s surface area. The most sophisticated systems, they run a hundred $200,000 incorporating biofeedback capabilities. The system continuously monitors and senses your emotional physical responses and alters the quality of loudness and configuration of the light sound to intensify the experience that you create your own multisensory experience through your own mind, body, state, and responses to the ongoing experience.
Now, researchers and practitioners who use these devices with clients report extremely powerful results and users frequently report life transforming or Cathartic experiences while using the systems. And I’m just telling you from my experience, I’ve had very similar things that happen with that spiritual awakenings in these devices. And I did feel like there, there was a shift in my identity, my reality, and I believe it’s absolutely should be listed as one of the best techniques to maneuver through big making, big jumps into um, different realities. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, a sound reacher who extensive work with the Sumatran, led him to design his own PSI. Sound table has pointed out a huge section of the brainstem and nervous system is devoted to sensing and processing vibration. Now the spinal cord is composed of nerve bundles, caring and different kinds of sensations such as heat, cold pain, pressure, vibration, etc.
To entire column sense vibration and take up almost the whole posterior half of the spinal cord. Large portions of the deep primitive portions of the brain near the brainstem are devoted to vibration processing. So when you’re lying on a sound table, powerful emotional information in the form of musical vibrations gets processed right in the part of the brain where most deep seated emotional programs reside. And we can unlock emotions that we are not even aware of. We’re holding, we can literally vibrate into a new reality. Now here Abraham, talk about vibrations. It’s popular word that is used in the self help and law of attraction community. We’re talking about actual vibrations and the final thing is if you’ve ever seen a vibration we’ve seen just you can sometimes them for pretty cheap. The ones that you stand on and they vibrate can be used in a similar way.
It’s very powerful and we’ll talk about that with the motion systems in a second, which leads me to number 12 custom virtual reality meditations and I, this is something that I believe in that I’m trying to start a company in relation to is just, it’s not complicated, but if we want to visualize one incredible technology we have right now is virtual reality and you can go beyond just trying to visualize. You can be in a 360 degree environment of or whatever you want. Imagine if we went around with 360 degree cameras and recorded beautiful locations, houses, beaches, and created meditations with those similar environments. And I believe this is going to be the future. This is going to take us beyond guided meditations. We’re going to have guided virtual reality mind movie meditations and it can be as simple as when you people will start carrying 360 degree cameras and we can start sharing these experience like an encyclopedia.
So if you want to go a few want to race on a race track, you can go in and take the virtual reality of that and you can capture that and it will help you really grab in. If you want to play football someday they’ll have virtual reality 360 degree cameras, which I believe they’re using now in the NFL with quarterbacks to speed up the response times. Number 13 motion systems. A number of motion systems are now in the market including a reclining chairs that revolve and beds that generally tilt revolve in rock motion is a part of moving through realities. Now the walking meditation, which I talk about in the meditation podcast is very powerful. You’re telling your body, you’re moving one step at a time into another reality. And by taking each step, the, the movement of your body affirms that movement and pulls your subconscious mind forward.
But also other motion systems, the idea of movement. Oftentimes we think meditating and stillness is what workings. There’s evidence. These motion systems alter brainwave activity greatly increasing the relaxing alpha and theta waves and enhancing hemispheric synchronization. Your mom would rock you to sleep, she didn’t keep you still asleep, she rocked you to sleep. They’re being used for clinically for such purposes as treatment of brain damage, learning disabilities and drug addiction and are popular in brain mind gyms around the world. Several new models of relatively low prices now make it possible for individuals to purchase such motion systems for home use. And I mentioned on another podcast, the five Tibetans and it’s really great energy exercise routine that I’m going to put together soon. I’m working on it, I promise. And what did the exercises in the five Tibetans, which they consider the Fountain of Youth Is Simply Spinning around 21 times and it seems kind of bizarre, but EEG and other evidence has shown the use of spinning as a profound optimizing effect on the newer efficiency quotient.
A measure of how rapidly electrical signals are transmitted by the brain’s neurons and pass from one part of the brain to another. A characteristic that has been shown to correlate very closely with Iq. Recent research at Berkeley in fact suggest that n Eeq is directly related to Iq. Some users, emotion systems have shown increases in any Q that are statistically equivalent to increases in Iq of an astonishing 30 points or more. The evidence suggest that next time you have a test or material that requires peak mental performance, you might want to take a break and spin around in your desk for a few minutes, every half hour or hour. Get up and dance for the most effective of all, keep your brain in peak condition by providing enough motion for to far surpass your minimum daily requirement. Another device. Number number 14. Well actually we’ll keep this under number 13 is the Sam’s potential izer under the idea of motion therapy.
Um, Graham believes that the rhythmical rocking motion, which is it’s a chair that rocks rhythmically like soothing baby when combined with electromagnetic field that has a catalytic effect. It moves the fluid around the vestibular system or inner ear. And as a result of millions of hairs within the inner ear, send signals to the brain, flooding it with electrical stimulation. It’s like exercising the brain directly. What better way to maneuver through a parallel reality than something that has that sort of response. Grammar ports that 90% of users get relaxation for the first time. However, he is suggesting need three to four hours to gain deeper effects. Studies of longterm range effects are underway in some 50 or 60 machines in the United States, Canada and Australia. We are finding ways that we can change the brainwaves of adults and learning disabled kids. For instance, 10 to 20 people with normal Iq now operate in higher rain just from this Sam’s potentialize or device.
So number 14 is void meditations. And if you’ve got a chance to listen to the void meditation, the idea is that going into the void gives us access to the alternative space. The Boyd is a part of that is existing here and now it has no place but is everywhere at the same time. That is aware of the future and the past and all probabilities are there as an information field and by going into the void, by entering into the void, by focusing on the idea of space and the void by or letting go of things that you attached to yourself because what’s pulling you and keeping you in your current reality is your understanding of yourself. That you are a man, that you are a woman, that you live in this house, that you have those, that family, that you have those things that you do those things that you are that job that you are in that relationship or whatever it is.
All those things and by going into a void which is similar to the original idea of meditation, which is clearing your mind, but if you go into the void of being able to release those things similar to the Ganzfeld effect, while you’re in there, you can focus on the frequency of a parallel reality that you want. Now, what I’m saying from the beginning of this that my hypothesis is that our brains have access to all of these parallel realities, that they’re multidimensional in nature. We access them through our dreams. We access them every day. It is there, we have access to it, and the key to avoid meditation. If you’re truly in the void, then you’re in the void. You need somebody else to guide you. That’s all it is. I call it guided quantum. Jumping, putting yourself in the void and having somebody guide you, telling you to find the frequency of what it is that you want.
Creating a bridge between you and an Ed and allowing your body to follow into that particular timeline, into that body, into that thought, where that thing is of what ever it is that you want. Believe me, this works more effectively than anything else. If people really sell themselves to the idea of going into the void, it works. Number 15 energy frequencies. Frequency is a word that gets tossed around quite often in the spiritual and metaphysical communities, but what is frequency? In essence, frequency is the rate of vibration and oscillation measured over a specific period of time. In Layman’s terms, it’s simply repeating sequence. Take a heartbeat. For example, the average heart rate frequency is 60 to 100 beats per minute. When we reach a high frequency in our personal energy signature, we attract more positive emotions and experiences. Love, for instance, is a very high frequency emotion.
When we admit a low frequency, we drop into an ego based mindset that can attract negativity, stress, anxiety and depression into our experience. To break it down even further, consider the human body and what it’s made of. Everything breaks down to energy and the body itself is composed of different systems which are made up of organs and tissues. The organs and tissues are made up of cells which are made up of molecules which are made up of atoms and atoms are made up of subatomic particles, which are made up of energy. And the idea that energy is everything and energy doesn’t get destroyed. It only gets changed is not woo woo. It’s not new age. It’s not an unfounded claims in scientific fact. So when people are talking about frequencies, it’s not that the university is impartial, it doesn’t judge or decide who should be punished.
It’s simply responds to what we give out and express. Sometimes we fall into a victim mindset believing that were chronically unlucky or working through some accumulated Karma mostly. However, we’re simply dealing with the experience. It’s situations and people that we’re attracting like a magnet through our own personal frequency. Any great feet, feet requires accumulating knowledge and information, so it’s important to learn the phenomenon and shape of the very existence. The only thing I’ll say is that frequency and vibration are different. They’re often used interchangeably. However, there’s a very important distinction to make. We know now that frequency is the cycle of waves that are measured in sequence, so think of vibrations as the contractions of the energy within the frequency. The vibrations per minute, for instance, make up the entire frequency sequence. To answer the question of what frequency is, let’s use a real life example of frequency and vibration.
By considering the way guitar strings emit sound, the thicker larger strings move more slowly and have a low frequency. When plucked, while the inner thinner strings vibrate a higher frequency, the vibration waves of the thick strings move more slowly, giving the strings natural frequency, a lower frequency, and the vibrator vibratory waves of the thinner strings move quickly and meeting a higher frequency. And so we are a frequency rate increases matter because higher and higher. Therefore, when we’re vibrating on a higher frequency, our bodies can become lighter. As a result, energy patterns affect our very makeup, raising our consciousness and allowing us to reach levels beyond our comprehension. We are masters of our domain. We literally define our own reality with each action, thought and word. Consider the fact that our perceived physical world is more energy than it is material. Imagine that, look at your hand and wrap your head around the idea that most of it is composed of void rather than material.
Makeup. Atoms are made up of corks and photons which have no physical structure. Understanding this is key to realizing we have the power to make radical quantum level shifts in our lives per seeding. Everything as immovable and an immaterial keeps us in the third dimension, which is rife with rules and laws. Moving outside of this mindset enables us to work with the void between the material in order to create what we desire. We are not casual observers, but active ones, so recognize frequency in your life by the way you decorate your house or what food you eat or who you associate a mat and imagine and those things. Those are the things that are guiding you into different realities. I could talk about frequency more and probably dedicated an entire time, an entire podcast on it. The next is something I call the soundtrack technique.
The soundtrack technique is for one week you plan out the music you’re going to listen to and you cannot listen to any music that has words. You have to listen to songs and music primary. It’s great to use movies when you listen to movie soundtrack songs. It’s a reminder that you’re in a movie in the first place, but the idea is that you can plan out, you can soundtrack, you’re weak. You can play the same soundtrack over and over, or it can literally repeat in brand new songs for the whole week, but you can’t listen to any songs with words and you can’t listen to anything else unless you’ve sound tracked it. You have to plan out your day. It gives you an understanding of how to plan out your time of how to manifest your future, about the journey that you’re on, about how much time exists and what goes on in that time.
It encapsulates moments of time and an anchors the time that you’re in. It also seems to awaken your intuition when you’re not listening to music with words. For a little. Just try it for a week. Try it for a day sometime. The idea of creating a reality, you’re creating the reality you’re listening to so you by creating the reality you’re listening to, you’re doing something that is creating a reality and it and it you’re becoming another factor in your reality creation. Another great technique as the intention technique. The idea is for a day, if you can try it, try it for a couple hours, everything that you do, you create an intention for. So when you wake up, you say, my intention is to go brush my teeth, and then you brush your teeth and then you say, my intention is to go to the bathroom, and then you go to the bathroom.
Before you take any action, you create an intention for it and this slowly starts to open up your ability to create outside intentions. When you intend things to happen outside of yourself by going through the process of intending the things that you want now try it. It’s very powerful. I say give it a shot for for an entire week. It’ll completely change your life forever. Number 18 is vision boards. Now, vision boards are wonderful, incredible things and if you put them around your office, a house or a place that you’re at, you can put objects or events or things or phrases, just the constant reminder your attention is on. And by placing your attention on it, forcing your attention on it, it pulls your mind. And whenever you focus on is what you get. So remember, if you focus on something enough, reality will yield to that focusing that you’ve done that attention that you’ve given.
And so by having vision boards, it forces your attention. Now there is a transformation with vision boards and that’s the idea of mind. Movies. All is one is one great person on Youtube to watch the you. The idea is you create movies instead of just pictures and boards. You might create a trip, you might be riding on a boat, you might be walking around your mansion, you might be going on in particular trip. The idea is that you create these experience rich visual movies. There’s a, um, a program that you can get called mind movies, which is fantastic. My, my hope in the future is that we can create mind virtual reality movies that have people writing boats and writing, whatever it is that you want to manifest, that you can go and you can visualize and live it and so number 19 is psychedelics.
There’s several different psychedelics and I’m telling you there is a technique it will change and put you into a parallel reality. Use this with caution. You can use this with guidance. There are people in doctors out there that are willing to use this and has been used in treatment to help with post traumatic stress disorder. It’s helped people avoid suicides going all the way back to the 60s it’s become an incredible transformative process. The safest drug in the world is psilocybin mushrooms. It’s never caused any problems. It’s just a mushroom and these visuals as that you get from different psychedelics. DMT in particular has powerful transformative spiritual effects that can literally activate your pineal gland. And I’m just telling you it’s magic and it can, if it can be used, it can not be used as a crutch, but it can be used to significantly change and maneuver into a new reality.
It’s definitely internet technique. The next technique is number 20 fractal animation, meditations. Fractals, having a powerful effect and an underlying structure that is resonant with the universe and by looking at fractal patterns emerging in a continuous loop, it does induce a state of Alpha and theta brain wave level activity. It has transformative effects and can be used to manifest realities. The idea of looking at fractal animations can do something more than simply put you into an altered alpha wave state. It seems to have to take you to an even larger level to take you to the void, to open up that access that you need to alternate space and I highly recommend it. So that is 20 steps techniques that you can use to travel through parallel realities. We got 20 more. We’re going to go over those on the next podcast. I can’t wait to go over those with you.
It’s a huge joy that you spent this time with me. I can’t wait to go over the rest of them. We’ve got 20 more techniques that you can use to travel and maneuver through parallel realities. I hope that these techniques will help you. If you need coaching, go to my to check out more about the podcast. You can go to the reality you can email me check me out on Facebook as Brian Scott. You can also check out the face book re Reality Revolution is the group that we have and we can discuss these topics and full and I would love to get your feedback if you’ve tried some of these techniques and if they worked for you. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy spending this time with you and learning these topics with you and I and your feedback is great for me and I really, really appreciate it. Can’t wait to go over the next 20 topics. I look forward to hearing from you guys soon, and thank you so much for joining the reality revolution.
Epiphany addict, inner space astronaut, writer, coach, dad, lover, friend.
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